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- ;TDF_NO_NAME_CHECK (1<<0) /* Don't check BBSData->bd_UserName/ */
- ; /* ConfData->cd_Alias when adding messages */
- ;TDF_NO_ADDR_CHECK (1<<1) /* Don't check BBSData->bd_UserAddr when */
- ; /* adding messages */
- ;TDF_SELECT_ADD_USER (1<<2) /* BBSType supports selectable user adding. */
- ;TDF_ADD_USERS (1<<3) /* The parser for this eventtype adds users */
- ; /* to the user database by default. Used by ConfigBBS() when creatig new BBS'es. */
- ;TDF_ABS_LINELENGTH (1<<4) /* The line length in messages from this bbs */
- ; /* type is never longer than defined for the conf/bbs/bbsttype. */
- ;TDF_MULTIPLE_CONFS (1<<5) /* BBSType supports "conf1,conf2,...,confn" */
- ; /* in BREV_Conference tag. */
- ;TDF_MULTIPLE_TO (1<<6) /* BBSType supports "to1,to2,...,ton" in */
- ; /* BREV_ToName and/or BREV_ToAddr. If both BREV_ToName and BREV_ToAddr tags are */
- ; /* used must name x in BREV_ToName correspond to address x in BREV_ToAddr. */
- ;TDF_REFLOW_QUOTING (1<<7) /* Reflow quoting should be on as default */
- ; /* when answering messages. */
- ;TDF_GLOBAL_REPLIES (1<<8) /* BRMSG_MsgID or BRMSG_OrginalNr is globaly */
- ; /* unique and can be used when repling messages to another conference than the */
- ; /* orginal. See BREV_RefConference tag. */
- ;TDF_NAME_REPLIES (1<<9) /* It is possible to reply messages to */
- ; /* another user than the author of the orginal message. */
- ;TDF_REPLY_SUBJ_PREFIX (1<<10) /* Use "Re: " as subject prefix on replies. */
- ;TDF_EVENTS_HANDELED (1<<11) /* The library shouldn't ask if packed */
- ; /* events should be deleted when parsing. This is handled by the event */
- ; /* packer/parser. */
- ; $VER: cfgsoup 1.3 (16.9.96)
- set Cfg `GetEnv THOR/ThorPath`bin/cfgtype
- $Cfg SOUP MP "bin/ParseSOUP" QUOTETYPE 3 LL 78 SL 78 CHARSET ISO ASF 00000000 CTF ffffffff STF 000047e5 EP "bin/PackSOUP" EA Zip AP ~(#?.out) INITMSGFILE "bin/InitRFC INITMSGFILE" EXTCONFIG "rexx/CfgSOUP.thor" cfge 0:3,1,7,2:9,20,21,23,26,27 cfge 1:3,4,1,2,7:6,9,20,21,23,26,27 cfge 2:3: cfge 3:3: cfge 6:: cfge 9:1,2,3,4,22:0,6,7,9,23,26,27 cfge 13:3,6: